Legacy Planning
Decide how you would like to care decisions and provide your family with peace of mind with legacy planning. Prepare for unexpected situations with an LPA, AMD and ACP.

Lasting Power of Attorny
An LPA is a legal document which allows a person to appoint one or more persons to make decisions and actions on his behalf if he loses mental capacity one day.
A donee can be appointed to act in matters related to:
Your personal welfare
Your property & affairs or
Both your personal welfare and property & affairs
The doner must be at least 21 years of age with mental capacity.
Why do an LPA?
It gives you the ability to choose a trusted, reliable person to act in your best interests
It takes away the stress and difficulties faced by your loved ones if you lose mental capacity
Choosing a Donee
Your donee should be someone trustworthy, reliable and competent to make decisions for you only when you lack the mental capacity to do so for yourself.
Your donee must be at least 21 years old and must not be a bankrupt if you are appointing him/her for property & affairs matters.
How to apply for an LPA?
From 14 November 2022, under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2021, all submissions of the LPA for registration must be done online via the new OPG Online system (OPGO).
Complete the LPA document online - Login using Singpass and fill in the required information
Your Donee(s) accept the appointment - Login using Singpass
Make an appointment with us.
On the day of the appointment, you may come down to the clinic for completion of the form online.
Your LPA is submitted to the OPG for registration.
An LPA/AMD appointment typically takes 30 minutes. An LPA & AMD appointment typically takes 1 hour.
Kindly schedule your time accordingly.

Advanced Medical Directive (AMD)
An Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that you sign in advance to inform the doctor treating you (in the event you become terminally ill and unconscious) that you do not want any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment to be used to prolong your life.
Making an AMD is a voluntary decision. It is entirely up to you whether you wish to make one. In fact, it is a criminal offence for any person to force you to make one against your will.
Anyone who is 21 years old and above, and who is not mentally disordered can make an AMD.
Why apply for an AMD?
Modern medical technology can technically prolong life in the final stages of a terminal illness. However, it cannot stop the dying process. In such situations, further medical intervention would be medically ineffective, and a decision has to be made whether to withdraw such futile medical intervention.
Terminally ill persons who are unable to express their wishes at that time, may want to be spared further suffering and be allowed to die naturally, in peace and with dignity.
How to apply for an AMD?
Download the AMD Form here and fill it up accordingly.
Make an appointment with us.
On the day of the appointment, remember to bring the AMD Form and IC for verification.
Mail the completed form in a sealed envelope by mail or by hand to:
Registrar of Advance Medical Directives at Ministry of Health, Singapore
College of Medicine Building, 16 College Road, Singapore 169854
An LPA/AMD appointment typically takes 30 minutes. An LPA & AMD appointment typically takes 1 hour.
Kindly schedule your time accordingly.