Enjoy your golden years in your 50's and above
You've worked hard and now it's time to enjoy the years ahead. Don't let poor health hold you back from your golden years.
With 30 years of experience in the in-depth management and treatment of chronic conditions, let us help you live a full life, so that you can feel your best every day.
We're with you every step of the way, making sure you stay healthy and happy.
Get started with a comprehensive health screen.
Health screening helps to test for possible risk of chronic disease and other illnesses.
33-Point Blood Test
Cholesterol Profile
Full Blood Count
Cardiac Profile
Liver Function
Uric Acid
Kidney Function
Bone and Joints
STD Screen
Urine Analysis
Chest X-ray
HbA1c (blood sugar)
12-lead Resting ECG

Health Screening
for Singaporeans
Come aboard our Chronic Care Program:

Quarterly Consultation and Reviews
Closely managed healthcare

Annual Health Screenings
Comprehensive and in-depth medical reports

Telemedicine and Delivery
Convenient access to essential medicine

Health Plan
Customized care and notifications